The Abundance Institute

The Ones Who Believe in Tech

Innovation has a PR problem. Why? Because it’s easy to be scared of something you don’t understand. 

That’s the basic truth that helped start the Abundance Institute, an organization making sure we see and learn about frontier technology before it hits the mainstream. 

The Work: We helped the Abundance Institute articulate their vision through a brand identity and story, executed across digital and physical platforms.

See the Good: The Abundance Institute helps the world see the good in revolutionary technology through education, community, and hosted dialogue. They work directly with the big idea people of tomorrow to show that the future can be so much better.


The Abundance Institute


Branding & Strategy
Visual Identity
Web Design

  • SLASH was the first agency to take this team on a holistic brand-building journey and they embraced it soup to nuts (it was awesome). We always try to be flexible with our work process, especially for founding teams who find themselves starved for time. Because, uh, we get it. 

    Here are some of the ways we all adapted for a better end product. 

    We wrote the brief. Two discovery calls and we had a 99% right write-up of what the work would entail.

    1. We started small. We typically kickstart work with a complete brand identity in mind, but the logo had to happen first. And we made that happen.

    2. We skipped the sticky notes. Some clients love the workshopping process. Others need that time for other things. We were real about it and prioritized the need-to-knows.

    3. We integrated. We host our clients on our own SLASH channel where they can bother us morning, noon, and night.

    4. We creeped the scope. Early stage companies rarely know everything they need at the onset of a process. We structured a relationship where scope creep wouldn’t break the deal.

    5. We shared the sausage making. A scary thought for many designers, sure, but we prioritized building an awesome relationship so Abundance Institute could be as much or as little involved as they’d like. 

    We’ll be continuing to build the Abundance Institute brand with the awesome humans behind it for years to come.